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August 27, 28, 29, 2021 at Camp Josepho


October 2, 3, 2021 at Camp Tahquitz

Aug 27, 2021, 7:00 AM – Aug 29, 2021, 5:00 PM
3000 Rustic Canyon Trail, Los Angeles, CA, 90272
What's all the excitement about?

Wood Badge gives you the knowledge you need to be successful in your position and to run your unit more efficiently. You will level up in your leadership ability, and take your knowledge back to your unit, profession, community and home. 

Wood Badge is the "advanced training course" for adult Scout leaders: Cub Scouts, Scouts BSA, Venturing, Sea Scouts, Explorers, District and Council Volunteers, and Professional Scout leaders. Wood Badge is designed to help adult leaders deliver the highest quality Scouting program using leading leadership training that successful corporations and organizations in America use which are relevant to our value based movement. Attending Wood Badge will make your Scouting unit stronger.

Wood Badge demonstrates the Aims and Values of Scouting using the latest team development theory. It will be a Mountain Top experience for you in your Scouting Service.

Our course size is limited to 48 participants. In the past, courses have filled quickly and a standby list has been generated by mid-spring. It has been 20 years since a new revised curriculum has been offered, we are anticipating a high demand.

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Meet the Staff
Course Fee & Scholarships
Themes & Information

Meet Our Volunteer Staff

Welcome to Wood Badge!

The momentum has been building in developing this fantastic and newly revised curriculum.  The National Wood Badge Volunteer Task Force worked on it for over 3 years to bring it to you. Their dedication and years of experience in Scouting has produced this premier Scout training experience that we are offering. Along with my husband, Lou Schwing, who has helped develop the new curriculum as a member of the National Task Force, and myself staffing, critiquing and observing two pilot courses, I am thrilled to invite you to join us as Verdugo Hills Council hosts our 2021 Wood Badge course. I and my staff are looking forward to getting to know you as we are uniquely qualified to present this incredible five day mountain top experience. 

Brigitte Schwing
Course Director/Course Scoutmaster
W4 - 58 - 20  Course Director

Brigitte Schwing (Fox Patrol, WE4-58-04) I have been involved in Scouting for the past twenty five years beginning with my son’s Cub Scout Pack and later as an Assistant Scoutmaster for my son’s Troop 288, in the Verdugo Hills Council. As a leader I have had the opportunity to lead and co-lead numerous weekend and weeklong backpacking trips including trips to Yosemite, Philmont, Catalina, and Mount Whitney twice in the same month. I was also involved as a founding Associate Advisor for Crew 288, helping get their co-ed program underway.  During this time I heard about a leadership training course called Wood Badge and decided to see what it was all about. It has shaped who I am today. I became more involved with Wood Badge when I was asked to staff Don Tyndall's course in 2010. I also become more involved at the Council level becoming a member of the Advancement Committee. I was honored as a recipient of the Silver Beaver Award in 

2017 and the following year was a founding member of the first Verdugo Hills Council Venturing Officers Association as the Associate Advisor for Communications, and was awarded the Area 4 Venturing Leadership Award in 2021. My husband Lou and I are the founding Scoutmaster and Assistant Scoutmaster of newly formed girl Troop 288 since 2019. For over 15 years, I worked as an assistant animator for Disney Animation  and transitioned into education. I have served on staff for 7 Tri-Council Wood Badge courses, including the National Wood Badge pilot course at Florida Sea Base and as an observer for the Greater Seattle Council pilot course in 2018. Wood Badge has been a pivotal experience in my life and I look forward to paying it forward to others.

        Joey Bland

Senior Patrol Leader

Joey Bland (Eagle Patrol, W4-58-16) is the Cub Master of Pack 7 in South Pasadena. He recommends Wood Badge to everyone because it develops the skills, enthusiasm, and relationships essential for leadership in Scouting. Joey grew up in Scouting, earned his Eagle, and then didn't think about it again until his first grader came home 5 years ago with a flyer and said, "I think I want to do this!" When not Scouting, Joey is an actor and a cast member of the Improvised Shakespeare Company, a touring improvisational theater troupe.

Maria Brown

Assistant Senior Patrol Leader

Maria Brown (Fox Patrol, W3-27-15)  Maria has been involved with Scouting since her son entered Cub Scouts. Maria's servant leadership journey has offered her many fulfilling experiences in training our youth and adults about Leaving No Trace in our beautiful state and country. Ask Maria about how she teaches the principles of Leave No Trace, I guarantee you'll remember them for a life time. Maria holds positions as Scoutmaster for her all girl Troop 2119 in Southern Sierra Council, and as Scoutmaster for the National Jamboree, Maria has recently returned as (LNT) Leave No Trace training personnel at Philmont, New Mexico.

Carolyn Forster

Carolyn Forster (Owl Patrol, W4-40-11-1). As a Scout herself, Carolyn enjoyed activities such as community service and going camping with her Troop. Within 8 years, Carolyn earned her First Class Award (aka Gold Award) in 1978.  In 2000, Carolyn started as a Wolf Den leader and is currently the Southern Sierra Council Training Chair.  ”Scouting is a safe place to practice leadership and presenting, which enhanced my confidence to complete my Bachelors’ degree in Organizational Leadership in 2009.“ Carolyn’s work and community service are a joint effort, which includes community service with Emergency Preparedness, American Red Cross, and American Society of Safety Professionals. As a member in both Scouting organizations for over 20 years each, Carolyn believes, “Wood Badge builds leadership skills for oneself, family, scouts, Council, community, and builds lifelong friendships by implementing BSA’s mission.”

Erik Zandveliet

Erik Zandvliet (Bob White, W4-32-15) is part of a fully involved Scouting family with Yvonne, his very patient and understanding wife (Troop Committee Member and Girl Scout Troop Leader); Grant, who recently earned his Eagle Scout Award; Angelina (Girl Scout Senior); and Henk (Second Class).  Erik is currently the Assistant Scoutmaster for Troop 371 after leading Pack 371 as Cubmaster for 9 years. He is also Roundtable Commissioner for the Long Beach Area Council, Order of the Arrow Puvunga Lodge Assistant Scoutmaster and a District Award of Merit recipient. Erik believes it is well-trained volunteers that help create those great memories for scouts through their contagious spirit and energy.  

Elizabeth "Elly" Artiz
Assistant Quartermaster

Elizabeth Artiz (Fox Patrol, W4-40-14). As a mom and Scouter, Elizabeth "Elly" Artiz, has been involved in Cub Scouting as a Den Leader for five years. Elly is currently an Assistant Scoutmaster for her units 209B and 209G.  Elly sees the value that Scouting brings to her unit and to her own children, "Scouting opens doors for our youth, giving them experiences that are true to life and prepares them for anything that comes their way". Elly believes in Wood Badge trained adults who bring back to their units leadership skills that develop and sustain strong units.

Naveed Near-Ansari

Naveed Near-Ansari (Antelope, W4-32-19). I first started Scouting in Old Baldy Council as a Cub Scout and continued through Eagle.  As a youth I was a participant and later staff of the council’s Buckskin Leadership training course.  During my time in Scouting, I was fortunate enough to go to the 1989 National Jamboree in Virginia and the 1987 World jamboree held in Australia. It was an amazing experience staying with the Maori in New Zealand, drinking warm carbonated milk on a dairy farm, holding a koala, taking a boat through the glow worm caves, spelunking for the first time and seeing Scouts from across the globe.  Scouting was an integral part in my youth and taught me innumerable skills I have taken into my adult life. I am now with Crew 288 in the Verdugo Hills Council. Wood Badge is a great way to continue the training and experiences even now.

Aimee McCarty

ASM of Program 

Aimee McCarty (Bear Patrol, W4-40-11) is our ASM of Program and has been tirelessly working on getting the program components polished for course. Aimee has served as a volunteer in different capacities for the past 10 years. Some of the positions Aimee has held or is still holding, always wearing multiple hats, include Cub Scout Den Leader, Long Beach Area Council Vice Training Chair, Cub Scout Pack Committee Chair, Long Beach Area Council Popcorn Fundraiser Committee Chair, and District Membership Chair. Always making sure her children are involved with Scouting, Aimee sees the value in Wood Badge trained adults and how they impact units, districts and her council. 

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Ana Barcelo
ASM of Troop Guides

Ana Barcelo (Buffalo, W4-32-17). I joined scouts 5 years ago, in 2016.  I am the ASM for JPL Troop 509 in La Canada-Flintridge.  My son earned his Eagle rank with the Troop in January of 2021.   I am on the Troop Committee and hold additional positions of COH Programs, Interpreter Strip Liaison and Merit Badge Counselor for Art, Coin Collecting, Cooking, Cycling, Gardening, Architecture and Landscape Design, Painting, Pottery, and Stamp Collecting. I staffed NYLT in 2018, Long Beach Family Camp in 2018 and 2019 as well as staffed the Wood Badge Course W4-32-19 as a Troop Guide for the Bear Patrol.

Wilfredo Huiza
ASM of Facilities

Jose Wilfredo Huiza, (Buffalo, W4-32-17).  I have been in Scouting for 24 years, I was Scout myself when young for 3 years, 12 of those years as Scoutmaster for Troop 140.  I was den leader and asst. den leader for pack 94 and pack 23, Asst. Scoutmaster for Troop 94 and Troop 140 currently. I am with Long Beach area Council since 1997. I am a Mechanical Engineering Technician and work for Klampon Corporation (in the oil industry). as a Shop Technician. Wood Badge is one of the most important advanced training skills and knowledge for adult leaders, and because I love Scouting, I want to give back what I have learned in Scouting.

Robert Reyes
Assistant Facilities

Robert Reyes (Fox Patrol, 2018) I have been involved with Scouting since Tiger Cubs. Currently I am an ASM of Troop 712 out of Bakersfield California. 

Chrissandra Sparks
Venture Crew Advisor

Chrissandra Sparks (Antelope Patrol, W4-58-13). I have been in Scouting for 20 years.  I grew up in the Glendale area. My son is an Eagle Scout and a Summit Award Venturer. I have been on Wood Badge staff for both Tri-Council and Western Los Angeles courses. I am involved with my home Troop 288 (boys and girls) and Area 4 Venturing. 

John McGlynn
Troop Guide

John McGlynn (Antelope Patrol, W4-32-19). I have been in Scouting for 50 years now.  I grew up in Verdugo Hills Council Pack 315 and Troop 315.  I'm an Eagle Scout along with my 3 brothers.  I was active in the Order of the Arrow and served as Spe-Le-Yai Lodge Chief.  I was active in Alpha Phi Omega National Service Fraternity while in college.  As an adult I've served as Assistant Scoutmaster, Cubmaster and Unit Commissioner.  For 10 years I was involved with the Girl Scouts before my daughter made the move to Scouts BSA, where I now serve as Assistant Scoutmaster for Troop 134 and Associate Advisor for Crew 134 in Long Beach Area Council.  I work in Facilities Management for Warner Bros. Studios.  I love Scouting and Wood Badge because it teaches us how to empower youth, for themselves and for the greater good.

Tali Smith
Troop Guide

Tali Smith (W4-32-17, Owl Patrol) If it wasn't for Wood Badge I would never had stepped out of my comfort zone. After taking Wood Badge in 2017, I had the confidence to become the Cub Master for my son's Pack, Pack 134, for 3 years, become a trainer for the Long Beach Area Council, staff (NYLT) National Youth Leader Training, twice and now staff this Wood Badge course. I took the course as a single parent and Den Leader (Wolf) who knew nothing about Scouts BSA. I was a Girl Scout, earned my Gold Award and was very involved with that program for 30 years. But taking Wood Badge has given me the most amazing friends, great knowledge and a feeling that I can do anything if I set my mind to it.

Nicholas Hall
Troop Guide

Nicholas Hall (bear Patrol, S2-571-16-3). I started my Scouting career as a Cub Scout in the Verdugo Hills Council, earning the Arrow of Light Award and continuing on in the Scouting program to my Eagle. As a youth I attended (NYLT) National Youth Leadership Training, (NAYLE) National Advanced Youth Leadership Experience, and (NYLT Academy) National Youth Leadership Training Leadership Academy. I attended Wood Badge at Philmont Scout Ranch in 2016. When I became an adult I became an Assistant Scoutmaster with Troop 118 in Verdugo Hills Council. I have staffed NYLT as a youth and adult for 6 years. I have staffed Camporee for the last 6 years. I am a part of the team that taught Trainers Edge to councils around the country this past year, teaching over 20 classes. I staffed the first NYLT Leadership Academy at the Summit in 2021. 

Michael Webster
Troop Guide

Mike Webster, (Beaver Patrol, W4-32-06). I have served in the Verdugo Hills Council for 20 years, all at the Troop and Pack level.  I have been Scoutmaster of Troop 288, and currently an Assistant Scoutmaster.  I am a founding member forming Venturing Crew 288 and served as Advisor for 3 years.  I also served as a Den Leader for 9 years, nearly simultaneously with my service to the Troop.  I am an Elder for the La Canada Presbyterian Church.  I am employed as the Executive Director of The Southern California Public Power Agency which serves 12 local municipal utilities. Wood Badge was a game changer for my leadership in Scouting.  I learned how not to lead from my own experience and instinct, but to lead towards the model Pack and Troop as Baden Powell envisioned over 100 years ago.  It made everything better.

Wendy Danna
Troop Guide

Wendy Danna (W4-32-19, Fox Patrol).

I was born and raised In Lakewood, California.  I grew up RV camping with my parents and spent lots of summers and weekends camping with my church youth group. I guess that would be where my love for the outdoors began. I never thought much about scouting until the day my oldest son, Nathan came home with a flyer to join scouts near the end of his Kindergarten year. I knew instantly that this was the activity for our family to join.  Shortly after we joined as Tigers, my husband and I quickly became the Den Leader and Assistant Den Leader.  I have been a Den Leader for his den and then became the Den leader for my youngest son three years later. I have been lucky enough to be a Den Leader through both the old Cub program with activity loops and pins as well as the current Cub Scout program. I am still active in our 

former Pack as Lion Den for the second year in a row and am also currently the Pack Treasurer.

Both of my sons are currently in Troop 134, one at 2nd class and one a Life Scout. I have taken on the role as Fundraising Chair and Advancement Chair for our Troop, and I am also member of the Long Beach Area Council training committee. When the opportunity to sign up and take the Wood badge course was presented to me in 2019. I welcomed the challenge even though the course fell during the busy popcorn fundraising season. I am extremely glad I accepted the challenge and with the help of my family and friends I was able to attend course knowing my commitments with my unit were being taken care of.

Although completing my 5 goals during a pandemic was a challenge, that is one of accomplishments I am most proud of. 

Sheri Springer
Troop Guide

Sheri Stringer (Owl Patrol, WE3-27-09) is a mother of sons.  Scouting has provided character development in a fun outdoor setting for the entire family. Sheri and her husband, Mark, joined with their sons in Cub Scouts and Boy Scouts and have made Scouting a family affair for over 20 years in the Southern Sierra Council. Sheri has continued to volunteer as a Council trainer, National Youth Leadership Training staff/Course Director, Board Member, and Charter Organization Rep for Troop 47 (Boys) and Troop 2119 (Girls) in addition to other council positions.  As an HR professional, she feels passionate about training and development in both her professional and volunteer activities and views NYLT and Wood Badge as a way to help Scouters of all ages develop leadership skills and become the best version of themselves they can be. After all, every unit deserves trained youth leaders and every youth deserves trained adult leaders.

Heather Howard
Troop Guide

Heather Howard (Bob White, W4-58-18)  I am  a Webelos Den leader for a Pack through Southern Sierra Council in Bakersfield. I’ve served various roles at the Pack level for the last 10 years. I like the fast pace, team building, organized chaos that is Wood Badge because of how much is gained forever, knowledge, tools, and lifelong friendships. 

Meet Our Wonderful Kitchen Staff and Course Consultants
(It is an honor to have Tri-Council Wood Badge Past Course Directors on our course this year)
Bonnie McAlister
Kitchen Consultant and Course Mentor

Bonnie McAlister (Eagle Patrol) took different Wood Badge courses throughout her early years in her Scouting career, as Wood Badge developed into the course that  we know it today, Bonnie became Course Director in 1998 for the WE4-40-98 course. Bonnie's  servant leadership goes beyond what many volunteer's give of their time and effort, demonstrating her earnest belief in the Scouting program and teaching others to be better leaders. Bonnie has contributed to courses in the Tri-Council and other Council Wood Badge courses every year for the past 25 plus years. Bonnie is well known for her outstanding and scrumptious  meals that she prepares with such enthusiasm and love, feeding many participants and staffers during the Wood badge course. As we say in Scouting, "God Bless the Cook(s)". 

Robert Law
Kitchen Lead and Course Mentor

Bob Law (Eagle Patrol, WE4-32-94) was a founder of Pack and Troop 131 in Pasadena in 1988 where he has been the Committee Chair, Assistant Scoutmaster and is still active as the Charter Representative. His first year on staff was on the WE4-40-98 course with Bonnie McAlister as Course Director. He remained on staff until 2011 when he was the Course Director of W4-40-11. Over the years, Bob has been a member of, and chaired the: Pasadena Serra Club, Purdue Civil Engineering Advisory Council, Mater Dolorosa Building and Ground Committee, San Gabriel Valley Habitat for Humanity Construction Committee, and has served on the Board of Directors for Mater Dolorosa Retreat Center, and San Gabriel Valley Habitat for Humanity. Bob and his wife Sara have two sons, both are Eagle Scouts and engineers.

Louis Schwing
Kitchen Lead and Course Mentor

Lou Schwing (Buffalo Patrol, WE4-58-00) started his Scouting experience as a Cub Scout in the Long Beach Area Council.  He dragged his parents into leadership roles with his Dad as Cubmaster and Mom as Den Leader Coach. As a Boy Scout, Lou went to Camp Tahquitz and became a member of the Tribe of Tahquitz. He also made trips to Philmont and the National Scout Jamboree in 1973. When his own sons joined Scouting in the Verdugo Hills, Lou helped a young Troop 288 grow from 8 Scouts to 80 Scouts in three years. Trips to the Sierras, the Tetons, Philmont, canoeing down the Colorado river all helped bring the adventure of Scouting to many boys. In 2007 Lou was awarded the Silver Beaver. He joined the Council leadership team as Camping Chair, VP Program and 

Council President. Lou served on the National Wood Badge Task force, helping created the new curriculum introduced in 2019.  With his wife, Brigitte, Lou returned to unit leadership, helping the new girl Troop 288 get started. Lou and Brigitte are proud of their three Eagle Scout sons and are looking forward to introducing several new Eagle Scouts from their new troop this fall.

David Lear
Kitchen Crew and Course Mentor

David Lear (Eagle Patrol, WE4-58-04). I like to tell a story that I was in scouting before I was born. My mother was pregnant with me when she was a Den Mother for one of my older brothers. I have been involved with Pack and Troop 199 at St. Dominic’s Church in Eagle Rock since 1965 all here in Verdugo Hills Council. My Father was very active in each of my units.  I always enjoyed going on the Scout trips with my father and years later recounting the trips and experiences with him. I was encouraged to take Wood Badge in 2004, along with one of my course mates Brigitte Schwing.  I was asked to join the Tri-council Wood Badge staff in 2007. Since then, I have served on 16 courses, including a week-long course in Colorado. I was honored to serve as the Course Director for W4-58-16. I am very proud to say that 

I’m a parent of a Girl Scout Gold Award recipient. Though she wasn’t able to be in Boy Scouting she earned the equivalent of the Eagle Scout award. Recently I have become active at VHC and camp Verdugo Oaks in a facilities role. I believe in the transformation that youth experience as Scouts and how that will influence them as citizen in the future.

Denise Rainier
Kitchen Crew and Course Mentor

Denise Rainier (Buffalo Patrol, WE4-32-03) having grown up in a household of three girls, knew nothing about Boy Scouting.  She first learned about Scouting after seeing an adorable Wolf Scout at the I Madonnari festival in Santa Barbara. This young tike looked so handsome in his blue uniform that, there and then, she made the decision that her son would be involved in the Scouting movement.  That journey started in 2001 with Denise serving as Den Leader for a group of 22 Tiger Cubs that she continuously led along their journey to the Arrow of Life award as Webelos.  She continued her volunteerism and served as ASM and Committee Chair for a large troop (Troop 65) in the Long Beach Area Council, planning and leading many high adventure trips.  After taking Wood Badge in 2003, she served on the LBAC Training Committee for numerous years, and was an Instructor 

 at Western Region National Camp School (2008).  Earning the esteemed Wood Badge beads was a highlight, and she has served as staff on 13 Wood Badge Courses concluded by serving as Tri-Council Course Director of W4-32-15.  Her zest for outdoor activities prompted her to complete the Sierra Club’s Wilderness Travel Course (2008) which prepared her to serve as Assistant Crew Advisor for Philmont Crew 7-16-H1 in 2009 on their 80-plus mile trek, only 3 months after completing cancer treatments.  In 2010, she was invited to serve as First Assistant Scoutmaster for the LBAC Troop 832 contingent to the 2010 National Jamboree at Fort AP Hill.  Denise is a proud recipient of the Silver Beaver Award (2008), a distinction also earned by her husband, Phil (2009).  She is very proud of her son who achieved the rank of Eagle in 2011. What began as a moment of curiosity in Santa Barbara led to a true lifelong adventure of learning, confronting challenges, building teams, and serving others.  When she is not involved in Scouting, she works full time as a Registered Nurse (proud graduate of  the UCLA School of Nursing -1980) and finds occasional minutes for her quilting hobby.

Donald Tyndall
Kitchen Crew and Course Mentor

Don Tyndall (Bob White Patrol, WE4-58-01). I have been involved in Scouting in the Verdugo Hills Council for over 38 years starting as a Cub Scout and Boy Scout. I am now the father of an Eagle Scout as well as a member of Troop 209, Council Advancement Committee, and adult Training. My wife, Lorna, and I are married for 42 years and have one son, Geoff. I worked for the City of Burbank for nearly 38 years as a Senior Communications Technician, Substation Electrician, and retired 3 years ago as a Senior Test Technician. I am a former Course Director for WE-58-10 Tri-Council Course. I am back to help my fellow former Course Directors as kitchen staff and as Mentor to this course.  The skills I learned during Wood Badge I use at work, Scouting and my personal life. Wood Badge is an experience that you will never forget.

Pierre Landry
Kitchen Crew and Course Mentor

Pierre (Owl, W4-32-08) began in Cub Scouts in New England, all the way through six summers on staff at Yawgoog Scout Reservation in Rhode Island, and Scouting has been a defining developmental influence throughout his life.  When his son was born, Pierre knew he'd get back into Scouting, and he has been a Cubmaster, pack and troop committee chair, District Commissioner, Council Training Committee Chair, and now Council Membership Committee Chair, all in Verdugo Hills Council.  His leadership opportunities in Scouting, including and especially Wood Badge, have helped him grow personally and professionally.  He is a retired manager of evaluation research and the former president of an international professional organization. He currently is the president of a neighborhood emergency preparedness nonprofit group and chair of a disabilities advisory committee.  He is always excited to help others along the trail back to Gilwell.


Themes &


CENTRAL THEMES OF WOOD BADGE: View Scouting Globally, as a family of interrelated, values-based programs that provide age-appropriate activities for youth.
Listen to Learn
Communicate Effectively
Managing Conversations
You will need to fill out and turn in a BSA Medical Form parts A, B, and C, with your doctor's signature.

Wear your BSA Field and Activity uniform appropriate for your primary role in Scouting.

Get plenty of sleep the night before course. Pack at least 3 days before leaving to help with getting rest.

The course is run like a Scout troop. You will be walking to and from meeting areas and activity areas. A list of what to bring will be in your welcome package. If there are any physical limitations we will accommodate you. 

Be ready to be engaged in your Wood Badge experience, learning while having fun, fun while learning.
Develop Individuals & Teams
Plan with a Bias for Action
Teaching with E.D.G.E.
Coaching and Mentoring
Embrace and Lead Change
Problem Solving
Create a Culure
Know Thyself
Interpersonal Savvy
Drive Vision, Mission and Values
Inspire the Heart
Leadership Quest

Course fee is 260.00 which includes materials, facilities, and meals. If you invite a friend to join you for this Wood Badge course, you will receive a 25.00 refund after the first weekend. Ask about the "Bring a Friend to Wood Badge" coupon.

Some scholarships are available to applicants to help lessen the financial burden of the course. Assistance is also available through several sources such as your unit, chartered partner or employer. Typical scholarships are up to one half of the application fee and submission deadlines vary.

Let's look at the options.

  • Your Pack, Troop or Crew may support Wood Badge financially since it is demonstrated that units with Wood Badge trained leaders offer better programs for their youth. Ask!

  • Your employer may offer assistance for this course.  Wood Badge not only applies to Scouting, but in the rest of your life as well.  Enhanced leadership skills are applicable anywhere. Wood Badge Employer Letter You can use this letter to request time off or financial support from your employer for Wood Badge.

  • VFW Wood Badge Scholarships Application. VFW members can apply for support from their organization for Wood Badge fees. Be aware that application deadlines for these scholarships are very early in the year they are granted. Use this form to do so. 

  • Send a Leader to Wood Badge Scholarship is here to help finance your Wood Badge experience once you have exhausted support from your unit and your workplace. Please contact the Course Director for information at: The funding varies year to year as this is a donation fund. Use this form to apply.


  • 2021 Wood Badge Flyer. This flyer is perfect for sharing info about Wood Badge with everyone in your unit. 

Map & Directions

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